
What is digital transformation? Is your company ready?

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 Anyone currently involved in communications, marketing, or any other activity that has direct contact with businesses and/or agencies has heard (and heard) about this many times.

With the age of the Internet, the way to establish relationships with customers and manage a brand position has changed, hence the understanding of digital transformation takes place in a context where information moves faster and faster, with easy exchange of opinions and content. and data, it is important to understand the emerging challenges that companies face.

Soon it becomes important to know how to deal with them.

The company now needs to deal with a different “connected” consumer profile (with social networks, websites and different types of content), which requires a broader and more differentiated positioning for communications and marketing.

This consumer uses the Internet as a tool for exploration, interaction and comparison, often not only in terms of prices and products - in terms of consumption - but also in terms of corporate reputation.

Social participation is much broader.

And one more thing: this fact affected not only relations with consumers, but also, in many cases, the conduct of the company's internal operations, which is a double problem for them. It builds on the data collected in the field, and understands that it begins to act “actively” not only in relation to problems, complaints or praise from this audience, but also expects that the improvement of internal processes and culture will also reflect on the quality ... products, services and perceptions that presents it. It is present in many cases both from the inside and the outside, so this situation requires attention

To help you understand how to emphasize this, we have some points to consider below.

Follow and understand how to deal with these problems:


What is digital transformation?

With the advent of the information age, consumption patterns for both content and products are changing. It also increases the dynamism and speed of decision making and distraction of the client.

With the internet increasingly entering people's daily lives, consumers are also looking for convenience when shopping, e-commerce has grown, and many companies' business models have changed due to these new trends.

Similarly, within companies, many computer management processes are used or rely on the help of new tools to collect, organize and organize information from different sources more efficiently and use it in business intelligence.

Some technologies complement the decision-making process in this sense.

Communication has never been "complete". All areas are converging on the global results of companies, today with an external scenario that is difficult to “control” due to the speed of information, but on the other hand, it is easier to work through the opening of channels.

Thus, the so-called "digital transformation" leads to a different situation:

An organization has to engage with CRM across multiple platforms for this interaction to happen in a "multichannel" manner. In other words, the customer interacts through the website, through the social network, through the SAC ("SAC 4.0" is also shown). At the same time, this consumer is influenced by other, more traditional channels.

The “plurality” of channels allows and requires the company to be more accessible, but also requires more attention to its position.

It easily gives the impression that "geographic barriers have been overcome" and that the company has always been "closer" to its customers, which may be fine, but also requires a more active location.

We also have a consumer who is more knowledgeable, critical, and immersed in information and opinions from all sides, as the company competes for attention with many other sources of information and companies doing the rough work in this scenario.

This leads to the behavioral reality known today as 'omnichannel'.


How to deal with this?

In terms of relationships and competitiveness, in this context, the company has no choice but to understand this new behavioral profile and follow the processes that effectively enable it to work on some of the new formats.


New consumer, new procedures

Then, in your marketing plan, make a plan aimed at persuading your target audience in a certain way (the goal) in their interests and expectations, not only selling, but also providing value.

This does not mean that the traditional offline marketing model, or the actions it eventually develops with a particular audience, will be delayed, but it will need to adapt and expand channels and modernize some processes so that everything goes hand in hand when needed. ...

The reflection of the so-called “digital transformation” in communications and marketing quickly becomes structural, as it is behavioral: a series of actions and plans are organized around its factors, because they directly reflect the reaction of the consumer society and how people communicate with each other (including how they spread to the public ) and with companies.

Examples include broadcast or cross-channels.


Attention to internal processes

On the other hand, training your in-house team is important to handle and interpret the incoming information—which is likely to be much greater in this scenario—know how to apply it properly and pay attention, and preferably how to justify that decision. -Making.

This is why you hear so much about business intelligence or business intelligence.

A CRM tool can also help a company manage these relationships. This is because it will allow you to structure each campaign in a more convenient way, get to know each consumer profile, and develop actions that specifically target each one individually.

In other words, working with digital transformation may require the company to fulfill a communications expansion plan, marketing efforts to attract and attract leads (including post-selling on these new communication channels), and use and implement tools. Internal control systems that allow you to optimize operations and respond faster to requests based on accurate data.


The value of s / in your content

Likewise, all content presented must be attractive and relevant to each stage of the consumer journey - not only in terms of subject matter, but also in terms of relevance, shape and size - after all, things are different in digital terms (remember what other editions, such as e-magazines ).

In marketing itself, its strategies have changed with the emergence of the so-called “internal marketing” as a way to solve another problem that arises in a place where it is necessary to attract attention, and not just “promote” the service.

Today, the competitiveness and ease of use of research and data collection tools by consumers means that companies have to rethink models in this aspect and give new meaning to their investments.



The changes brought about by the Internet in communications, marketing and management have changed operations and created new challenges for many businesses and professionals.

On the other hand, it also brought opportunities. Today, with this opportunity, companies can reach out to many people, communicate with them through feedback in record time, and modify content and strategies to always give the best against the competition.

A professional who works with this reality must be aware of the essential points required for this, but also the ability to function well in a more important society and with new habits.

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